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Ultrasonics plant


The ideal application of Bartz ultrasonics plants is the non-destructive 100% testing ofaluminium sheets for the automotive and aviation industries using the ultrasound process. In this process, sheets measuring max. 40 m x 4.0 m and of thicknesses up to 200 mm are positioned on 8 individually adjustable support tables in a stainless steel basin and are then tested using a US test head in a mean dering sequence.

Technical data

·        Max. sheet size:                 40.0 m x 4.0 m

·        Max. sheet thickness:         200 mm

·        Test speed:                      300 mm/s (pre-scanmode)

·        Ultrasound head:               conventional or phased array testhead

·        Test accuracy:                  Class A (1.19 mm FBH) to Class AA(0.8 mm FBH)

·        Coupling agent:                 water

·        Control system:                 Siemens S7-300


·        Test basin can be subdivided

·        8 individually adjustable, hydraulically operatedjack tables

·        Water treatment plant

·        Extremely rigid machine bed with adjustable tracks

·        US test head can be swivelled and verticallyadjusted via manipulating device

·        High degree of automation

·        Operator cabin travels along with the work thusensuring max. operator comfort and visibility

·        In accordance with NADCAP / ASTM / SAE AerospaceStandards the complete system is suitable for certification and approval forthe aviation industry

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