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Tilting mechanism



In the standard design, the hall craneplaces the transport crucible into the station, where it is locked and tilted. As an alternative, the mechanism can bedesigned for loading using a forklift, where the crucible is placed into the station using aspecialized transport frame integrated into the mechanism;the crucible issecured automatically.

Technical Data

·        Dimensions:                      2.3 m x 2.8 m x 2.3 m

·        Capacitycrucible:              4-6 tons(standard) up to 8 to (special)

·        Connectedload:               5 kW                 


·        Easy and convenient crucible emptying via centralsystem control with optional remote control

·        Safe handling with low tilting speed and powerfulstation hydraulics

·        Versatility in use as a stationary or mobilestation

·        Safe hydraulic locking control matched to transportcrucible feet

·        Small footprint

·        No limits to hall crane capacity during tilting

·        Low tilting speed – no danger of liquid aluminiumslopping over

·        Can be combined with Bartz heating stations

·        Optional accessories: Casting launders in thecasting area, either fixed or swivel-mounted

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