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Desox casting machine


Desox nuggets are mainly used fordeoxidizing in steel production. During production liquid aluminium flows through a launder from the casting furnace tothe casting device, there it is poured into permanent moulds made of cast hematite. After coolingby means of a fan the Desox dividers are emptied and the permanent moulds are automaticallycoated with a protective layer.

Technical Data

·        Dimensionsl x w x h:                 15.0m x 1.8 m x 4.0 m

·        Nuggetweight:                        100 g to 350 g

·        Materialof permanent mould:      cast hematite

·        Output:                                   approx. 1 t/h to 4 t/h according to pellet size

·        Connectionload:                       approx. 30 kW             


·        Compact construction

·        Solid frame construction

·        Durable permanent hematite moulds

·        Automatic coating of the permanent moulds with ablacking carbon

·        Double stranded chain with chain tensioning device

·        Low maintenance work

·        All wearing parts on stock with Bartz MaschinenbauGmbH

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