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Crucible hot-cleaning


The hot-cleaning machine is used forfast cleaning of empty and hot transport crucibles for liquid aluminium between the charging cycles. A pneumaticallyoperated chisel is used to remove deposits from the refractory lining thus reducing transportcosts. The transport crucible is ready to be used again immediately after cleaning and re-heating.

Technical Data

·        Dimensionsl x w x h:            10 m x 5.5 m x3.8 mm

·        Electricconnection load:       10 kW

·        Rotationmotor:                   bevel gear motor 5.5 kW

·        Frequencyconverter:           Danfoss/SEW

·        Hydraulicunit:                     pmax: 120 bar, 30 l/min, 5.5 kW, control voltage 24 V

·        Hydrauliccylinder                 ?140 mm x 1400mm stroke, double-acting

·        Compressedair:                   min. 6 bar

·        Pneumaticcylinder               ? 80 mm x 1300 mm stroke, double-acting

? 80 mm x 1700 mm stroke, double-acting

·        Controlsystem:                    Siemens S7-300

·        Cleaningtemperature:          up to 450 °C°                   


·        Very short cleaning times

·        Crucible swings in working position by means ofhydraulic system

·        Operation of the chisel by means of a pneumaticcylinder

·        Adjustment of contact pressure by means ofproportional valves and joystick

·        Continuous adjustment of rotation speed

·        Crucible is hydraulically tilted and emptied aftertreatment

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