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Massels Casting machine


Aluminium is cast through a casting wheel into permanent moulds forming oxide-free ingots. The permanent moulds are then cooled by means of fans orin water quenches. The ingots are automatically removed from the moulds and transferred to a stacker.

Technical Data

·        Ingotdimensions:            610 mm x 90 mm x 80 mm – approx. 6-12 kg/unit

·        Castingtemperature:       750°C

·        Castingoutput:               up to 10 t/h

·        Permanentmoulds:          casthematite

·        Mouldpre-heating:           automaticby means of a gas burner with automatic ignition andflame control


·        Easy casting of aluminium ingots in permanentmoulds by means of a casting wheel

·        Controlled cooling by means of fans or waterquenches

·        Automatic removal of the ingots from the moulds

·        Direct transfer of the ingots to a stacker

·        Continuous level adjustment (ingot weight)

·        All wearing parts on stock with Bartz MaschinenbauGmbH

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