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Electrical Heating


The BARTZ-Immersion Heating System forcrucibles is conseived for the heating up of liquid aluminum in transportcrucibles. Bartz Immersion heater is an electrical heating system where themolten aluminum have no contact to a gas flame. The thermal power is directlybrought to the heart of molten metal through conduction.

Technical Data

·        Heatingrate                                 30W/cm2

·        Metaltemperature control              ±1°C

·        Materialfor heat transfer                Sialon

·        Sheathdiameter                           20 to 55mm

·        Sheathlength                              500- 1500mm

·        Connectingvoltage                       45to 600 volts

·        Power                                         6 to40 kW           


·        High heating efficiency of 98%

·        Three immersion heating elements of 17kW for a 6tcrucible

·        Good thermal conductivity

·        Immersion without preheating

·        Provides evenly distributed heat in the crucible

·        No sensitivity to thermal shocks

·        Easy to install and maintain

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